Monday, December 12, 2011

November tournaments

"Circuit Juvenil d'Hivern" of the FCT (Accentennis L'Hospitalet) under 16 cat. group 2
  1. 1st rouns: (95)Alex Alvarez win against (254) Xavier Gomez Girbau(9) (CT Laietà) [WO].
  2. 2nd round:(95)Alex Alvarez looses against (11) Victor Rodrigo Aisa (C. Futbol Junior) [64 62]
"Circuit Express - Pere Masip" (RC. Polo) under 16 cat. group 3

  1. 1st round: (95) Alex Alvarez (1) looses against (57) Jack Oldfield (A.Sánchez-Casal) [61 60]

PD: Number before the name means the RFET points of the player. Number after the name means the number of the seeded player.